Trade Data
Information related to trade data on North Korea
North Korea exports record coal in April
DPRK imports of gasoline also show 20% increase on last year
N.Korean trade with China down in Q1
Falling trade values could be due to cheaper coal; fertilizer and rice imports also drop
No crude to North Korea for 15 months
DPRK continues to buy larger quantities of gasoline, diesel than in 2014
Inter-Korean trade hits record high in 2014
Analysis of 15 years of data shows huge declines in DPRK trade with countries outside of China
North Korean workers in Russia up 20%
Russian, Chinese and Turkish workers make up 80% of foreign workforce
N. Korean imports from India drop by 70%
Fuel, other hydrocarbons behind the 2014 drop, balance of trade with India becomes positive for first time
North Korea to ship more coal to South
Second trial for trilateral project involving Russia, DPRK, South Korea to take place no later than May
North Korea-China February trade roundup
Most of DPRK's fuel, electronics, food imports down in February, lower exports revenues from coal continue
Mongolia keen to ship coal through North Korean port
Further details, including exemption of customs duties, to be announced at April meeting in Czech Republic
North Korean steel production slumps, hindering economy, military
Number of factors keep North's steel production from operating at or near full potential