Sanctions | NK News
July 16, 2024


Information related to sanctions developments

New UN Security Council sanctions on N. Korea: What they mean, and what they don’t

New UN Security Council sanctions on N. Korea: What they mean, and what they don’t

The UN has just introduced measures designed to cut one-third of the DPRK’s total export revenue - implementation will be tricky

New UN Security Council sanctions on N. Korea: What they mean, and what they don’t
Andrea Berger
Andrea Berger August 10, 2017
Maximum pressure? How UNSCR 2371 will impact North Korea’s economy

Maximum pressure? How UNSCR 2371 will impact North Korea’s economy

For the new measures to have serious bite, they will have to be implemented and enforced like never before

Maximum pressure? How UNSCR 2371 will impact North Korea’s economy
Jonathan R. Corrado
Jonathan R. Corrado August 8, 2017
The United Nations’ latest DPRK Resolution: How will Pyongyang respond?

The United Nations’ latest DPRK Resolution: How will Pyongyang respond?

The U.S. has called them the toughest measures "in a generation" - Kim Jong Un will likely increase tensions

The United Nations’ latest DPRK Resolution: How will Pyongyang respond?
Chad O'Carroll
Chad O'Carroll August 7, 2017
No member state purchases N. Korean coal for three months: UN

No member state purchases N. Korean coal for three months: UN

Despite the absence of coal revenue, North Korean imports of Chinese goods remain high

No member state purchases N. Korean coal for three months: UN
Leo Byrne
Leo Byrne August 4, 2017
Dandong customs house in July: A look at what’s going into North Korea

Dandong customs house in July: A look at what’s going into North Korea

Despite Trump's calls for China to cut trade, Dandong customs house appeared busy in late July pictures

Dandong customs house in July: A look at what’s going into North Korea
Chad O'Carroll
Chad O'Carroll August 4, 2017
Panama in possible breach of UNSC Resolution 2321: investigation

Panama in possible breach of UNSC Resolution 2321: investigation

The country continues to register vessels with strong links to North Korea

Panama in possible breach of UNSC Resolution 2321: investigation
Leo Byrne
Leo Byrne August 4, 2017
New South Korean unilateral sanctions: What are Moon’s options?

New South Korean unilateral sanctions: What are Moon’s options?

Seoul has only a few options left if it wants to increase pressure on Pyongyang

New South Korean unilateral sanctions: What are Moon’s options?
Chad O'Carroll
Chad O'Carroll August 2, 2017
New U.S. sanctions against the DPRK: A North Korean perspective

New U.S. sanctions against the DPRK: A North Korean perspective

MFA researcher argues that aim of U.S. measures is regime change, not denuclearization

New U.S. sanctions against the DPRK: A North Korean perspective
Kim Kwang Hak August 1, 2017
China, India and Thailand largest precious metal traders with N. Korea: UN Comtrade

China, India and Thailand largest precious metal traders with N. Korea: UN Comtrade

PRC's trade in precious metals amounted to a quarter of a billion dollars since 2006

China, India and Thailand largest precious metal traders with N. Korea: UN Comtrade
Leo Byrne
Leo Byrne July 28, 2017
A “slow squeeze”: The U.S.’s next move against North Korea

A “slow squeeze”: The U.S.’s next move against North Korea

The executive and legislative branches are intent on communicating to the world that this is not business as usual

A “slow squeeze”: The U.S.’s next move against North Korea
Jonathan R. Corrado
Jonathan R. Corrado July 27, 2017