Miscellaneous information that doesn’t match other tag areas
Touring North Korea part 3: Pros and cons of the industry
Despite tourism's potentially transformative role, state remains in firm control
Why language isn’t all that matters when it comes to N.Korea studies
Relying on work of others is widespread in academia, so what's wrong with using translations?
200 day battle propaganda present across N.Korea
Exclusive photos show the campaign emphasizing work safety, renovation and speed
Touring North Korea part 2: How business and finance works
A look at the technicalities of tour agency business activity
UN convention against organized crime: The farce of N.Korean participation
The difference between the Kim dynasty and the Godfather family is merely one of scale
Delayed opening of $338m bridge hurting Dandong economy, and China-DPRK ties
3-km bridge has become a gigantic, costly symbol for decline in relations between N.Korea and China
The flaws and biases in North Korean studies
Regional overrepresentation, the language barrier and ignorance of sources holds back field
Once again, North Korea is the Hermit Kingdom
Pyongyang increasingly isolates itself, even from old allies, through its refusal to change course
Singapore-linked building nears completion in North Korean capital
Building rumored to be site of new department store
Picture this: Cutting-edge computing tools seen in N.Korean schools
Despite limited Internet or home use, schools are seen using many cutting-edge computing programs