Miscellaneous information that doesn’t match other tag areas
VIDEO: Why would anyone scour for North Korean trash on the beach?
A new mini-documentary from NK News explores what litter from the DPRK can reveal about changes inside the country
Russian court extends detention of North Korean fishermen accused of attack
Yearslong trial continues of North Koreans who allegedly used ‘improvised’ weapons against Russian border guards
Defector-poet Jang Jin-sung sentenced to six months in prison for sexual crime
Seoul court finds award-winning author guilty of 'indecent act by force' against a former female coworker
How a key UN vacancy could undermine investigations into DPRK sanctions-busting
Lack of American on UN Panel of Experts could give China and Russia freer hand to shape upcoming report, experts say
In the world of video games, North Korea is almost always the baddie
Depictions of the DPRK in games have evolved over the years, but few seriously deal with geopolitical issues
North Korea on the silver screen: How South Korean films portray the DPRK
Depictions of the rival state have evolved over the decades along with changes in the ROK’s politics and film industry
Foreign envoys downbeat about North Korean border reopening in near future
Diplomats tell NK Pro that suspended embassy operations could have long-term consequences even after the pandemic ends
North Korea reports zero COVID cases in wake of mass events in Pyongyang
DPRK says it tested 1,395 additional people during two-week period coinciding with party plenum, New Year’s Eve concert
The new normal? Experts see little hope for full restart of North Korean trade
Even after resumption of overland trade, erratic policy-making and new virus strains could reverse progress in 2022
US court awards family of Otto Warmbier $240K seized from North Korean bank
Ruling follows 2018 district court decision to award Warmbier family half a billion dollars in wrongful death suit