Miscellaneous information that doesn’t match other tag areas
North Korea’s ventilator imports too little, too late: Medical experts
Chinese trade data shows DPRK imported millions of masks and 1,000 ventilators in April, but no COVID vaccines
Interview: How North Korean defector Jihyun Park found happiness in the UK
The human rights activist shares her defection story and how her experiences drove her to get involved in politics
Why North Korea’s pharmacies are unequipped to confront COVID-19
Private market actors are necessary for the DPRK’s drug distribution system to function, but supplies are highly limited
North Korean planes, COVID aid may be in quarantine after China trip: Imagery
Satellite imagery shows three Air Koryo cargo planes haven’t moved since returning from Shenyang last week
More nuclear, less coal? The future of South Korea’s energy mix
New president’s goals good for nuclear industry, while air quality concerns likely mean continued space for renewables
Why North Korea’s COVID-19 outbreak won’t be a death sentence for Kim regime
Malnutrition and poor healthcare may cause more deaths than statistics show, but mainly among elderly and poor
Tens of thousands line Pyongyang streets for funeral amid COVID lockdown
Show of confidence in virus control measures comes after state media said authorities ‘stably suppressed’ outbreak
The difficulty of reporting in South Korea, where everything is ‘sensitive’
Attributing facts to sources is one of the hardest tasks journalists in the country face
Four major trends revealed by North Korea’s COVID-19 case numbers
Data suggests virus may have entered from China, spreading from border regions via trade networks and other movements
What North Korea will and will not do to fight the COVID-19 outbreak
Pyongyang will not yield control over people in exchange for fewer cases, but will probably accept specific aid packages