Miscellaneous information that doesn’t match other tag areas
Amateurs can participate in Pyongyang marathon for first time
Previous marathons only open to professional marathon runners
Travel company to offer full tour of secretive Pyongyang metro
Tourists may now travel to every single station on Pyongyang "u-bahn"
The German Neo-Nazi fascination with North Korea
Lesser-known Strasserite Nazi faction key to understanding admiration for Pyongyang
NK Media Watch – Nov 20 to 26
Patriotic Song Gains Popularity; Hockey Season Starts; The Third Anniversary of Yonpyongdo
A foreigner locked up in N. Korea: The case of Chantal Sobkowicz
Evangelical Christian used job in Pyongyang as vehicle for spreading gospel to oblivious North Koreans
Three unhelpful but common exaggerations about North Korea
‘Strange,’ ‘unpredictable’ country actually has a transparent logic to its actions
Japanese Media Watch: November 10 – November 17
Latest North Korea issues to be picked up by Japanese media
NK Media Watch – Nov 6 to 12
KPA Soldiers Praised for Building Parks; International Soccer Match with Indonesia; New Tech and Development District Announced;
Satellite imagery reveals major urban development in Rason
Satellite imagery shows modernization efforts also taking place beyond Pyongyang