Miscellaneous information that doesn’t match other tag areas
Differences in N. Korean, Burmese democratization, part 2: Reference points
No one comparable to Aung San Suu Kyi carries the torch for liberty inside North Korea
“Reading North Korea: an Ethnological Inquiry” – A Book Review
A look at Professor Sonia Ryang's most recent book on the DPRK
How I unintentionally ended up spending 15 years of my life in North Korea
Introducing her new NK News column, Monique Macias explains why she calls North Korea home
Michael Malice: Kim Jong Il’s unofficial ghostwriter
Despite humor, book on North Korean absurdities has a serious message
Analysis: Kim Jong Il’s bodyguard now serving Kim Jong Un
Photos reveal Kim Jong Il's bodyguard now protects son, Kim Jong Un
Going undercover, revealing very little
Follow-up to BBC documentary adds little but mockery, self-aggrandizement
NK Media Watch – Jan 15 to 21
International Skiers Hit the Slopes; The 68th Anniversary of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League's Foundation; and More Reactions to Kim Jong Un's New Year's Address
Inside the North Korea Rumor Mill
How the two Koreas are attempting to influence the North Korea media environment
Aidan Foster-Carter joins NK News in 2014
British DPRK-watcher Aidan Foster-Carter will be contributing regular articles and book reviews to NK News. Here he gives us a taster of what to expect:
Identified: East Pyongyang’s new shopping mall
The most visible sign of new Chinese investment since the ouster of Jang Song Thaek in late 2013