Military affairs
Information related to military issues in North and South Korea
Rocky road to Pyongyang: DPRK-IRA relations in the 1980s
"In 1986 two Group B operatives travelled to Pyongyang to train with specialised KPA units"
How South Korea communicates with spies in North Korea
“Attention number 521, attention number 521, Please receive a telegram”
Three Korean experts speak on three Korean issues
"For North Korea, the best outcome of the 'crisis' was clearly showing China and Russia that the U.S. is a real threat to the region."
Data shows Kim Jong Un’s heavy military focus in Q1
NK Leadership Tracker shows Kim Jong Un focused exclusively on military and Pyongyang prestige projects
North Korea’s drone and artillery test site, revealed
Using satellite imagery, Curtis Melvin identifies huge artillery targets carved into sides of mountains
Why Seoul Must Meet Force With Force
If Seoul fails to respond forcefully to any military action, then this is only likely to lead to further destabilizing behavior from Pyongyang
A Plan To Hasten North Korean Regime Collapse
"The Spelunker" outlines a plan to 'speeden and expedite North Korean regime collapse'.
Andrei Lankov on North Korea’s Nuclear Threat Diplomacy
"Due to nuclear weapons, North Korea need not worry about attacks from other countries, including the U.S."
What Foreigners Living In South Korea Think Of North Korean Threats
Three foreigners living in South Korea talk about their reaction to North Korean threats
Western Papers Discuss War, North Korean Papers Discuss Economy
In North Korea, four out of five front page articles in the country's main paper are about the economy