Military affairs
Information related to military issues in North and South Korea
Burmese-North Korean ties have a long history
Despite Rangoon bombing, mutual needs have linked pariah states
Is the Burma-North Korea relationship a thing of the past?
Evidence of continued relations persists despite U.S. push for ties with Naypyidaw
Kim Jong Un’s August visits focus on sports and culture
Kim Jong Un focuses on sports and culture in August, confirming trend away from military
Understanding past, present and future inter-Korean relations
Kaesong, cellphones and the future of the peninsula: an interview with Dr. Chang-hyun Jung
NK Media Watch – Aug 21 to 27
Progress on DPRK-PRC bridge, new houses for Pyongyang scientists and Military-First Day
Sohn Kwang joo on the state of inter-Korean relations: Part 1
Former editor-in-chief of the Daily NK shares views on inter-Korean relations
When two Americans were axed to death by N. Korean soldiers
“A vicious and unprovoked murder” - U.S. President Ford, 1976
Understanding the President Roh Northern Limit Line row
Cooperation in the West Sea could bring opportunities, challenges for two Koreas
North Korean military parade: What the cameras didn’t show you
Exclusive pictures show both excitement of soldiers and details of advanced weaponry
NK Media Watch – June 26 to July 1
Reactions to Kim Jong Un's "historic" speech, criticism on 2007 North-South Summit talks, soldiers express devotion to Kim Jong Un