Military affairs
Information related to military issues in North and South Korea
On North Korea’s failed Musudan launch
Is the fourth failure in just this year one step closer to a successful launch?
The accuracy – or lack of – of North Korea’s missiles
Weapons such as the North's are more useful as instruments of terror than of precision
North Korea’s inaccurate yet useful converted S-75 missiles
Aging anti-air systems can be repurposed as offensive weapons against civilians, missile defenses
N.Korea’s missiles and nukes create dilemma for Japan
Just War Theory proscribes pre-emptive strikes; Article 9 of their constitution prohibits war
What’s behind North Korea’s attempts for dialogue?
Seoul must be ready for Pyongyang's further 'peace offensives' with its own suggestions
Should we worry about N.Korea’s SLBMs?
North Korea is clearly on the path toward developing a missile fired from a submarine with a nuke
Organization of North Korea’s ballistic missiles
DPRK’s Strategic Force an opaque but vital part of the Korean People’s Army
With Byungjin, Kim Jong Un hedges his bets
Despite economic emphasis, planks of North Korean strategy hold fail-safe in event of setbacks
How North Korea would use ballistic missiles
DPRK’s arsenal of long-range missiles mainly for targeting civilians, not attacking military targets
S.Korea makes shaky claims on North Korea’s satellite launch
Recent claims made by military experts in South Korea pull too much data from one fairing