Military affairs
Information related to military issues in North and South Korea
Chinese defense company opened subsidiary North Korea office in 2011
Beijing Changfeng is foreign business arm of Chinese aerospace and defense company
All seeing but unseen: life as a U.S. military interpreter in South Korea
Former army interpreter was one of the few to visit 2015 land mine incident site
July leadership activity in N.Korea balanced between economic, military issues
Economics, military affairs, diplomacy on Kim’s agenda after creation of SAC, new title
A Trump presidency and North Korea: Three potential outcomes
Continuation of status quo, or ROK paying more for troops, appear possible outcomes
Rotary cannons transport spotted in northern DPRK, photos show
Military experts suggest pictures show indigenous 14.5 mm rotary cannon
Despite Trump’s claims, U.S. troops in the region have value
Republican nominee's proposals show little understanding of wider security situation in Asia
Uganda reveals another military contract with North Korea
Language regarding status of contract absent in UN implementation document
Intentional lofting? North Korea’s June 22 Musudan tests
Image analysis of North Korea’s recent Musudan missile test
Temporary shelter for ‘thousands’ of N. Koreans springs up in Pyongyang
24-hour shifts, propaganda bands and scores of temporary shelters
Peace on the Korean Peninsula and the ‘Northern Limit Line’
DPRK think tank provides assessment of demarcation lines and conflict in the West Sea of Korea