Military affairs | NK News
September 28, 2024

Military affairs

Information related to military issues in North and South Korea

South Korean anti-Americanism dwindles, but roots remain: Diplomat

South Korean anti-Americanism dwindles, but roots remain: Diplomat

Author suggests 'cautious optimism' in order, but says problems could potentially recur

South Korean anti-Americanism dwindles, but roots remain: Diplomat
Rob York
Rob York October 5, 2015
Pivot to Asia: What does it mean for North Korea?

Pivot to Asia: What does it mean for North Korea?

Effect of Obama administration policy change on Korea unclear, or perhaps minimal

Pivot to Asia: What does it mean for North Korea?
Chad O'Carroll
Chad O'Carroll October 1, 2015
The many ways of dying in North Korea

The many ways of dying in North Korea

Executions have long been a fact of life in the North, only their targets have changed

The many ways of dying in North Korea
Fyodor Tertitskiy
Fyodor Tertitskiy September 30, 2015
Pointing the world’s largest bomb at North Korea

Pointing the world’s largest bomb at North Korea

The U.S. made bunker busting Massive Ordnance Penetrator developed with N. Korean, Iranian targets in mind

Pointing the world’s largest bomb at North Korea
John G. Grisafi
John G. Grisafi | Leo Byrne September 27, 2015
Front companies, false flags hide North Korea-Burma ties

Front companies, false flags hide North Korea-Burma ties

No longer a junta, Burmese military retains grand ambitions

Front companies, false flags hide North Korea-Burma ties
Bertil Lintner
Bertil Lintner September 25, 2015
S. Korean sailors’ lifejackets don’t pass inspection

S. Korean sailors’ lifejackets don’t pass inspection

Monopoly, ageist hierarchy intertwine to ensure rash of poor-quality products

S. Korean sailors’ lifejackets don’t pass inspection
JH Ahn
JH Ahn September 23, 2015
Defenseless: Lawmaker, experts decry South Korean body armor shortage

Defenseless: Lawmaker, experts decry South Korean body armor shortage

In addition to providing more suits, experts say protective gear needs modifying according to Korean geography

Defenseless: Lawmaker, experts decry South Korean body armor shortage
JH Ahn
JH Ahn September 17, 2015
Court case reveals Chinpo Shipping’s ties to North Korea

Court case reveals Chinpo Shipping’s ties to North Korea

Ongoing legal proceedings highlight extent of North Korean involvement with trusted foreign partners

Court case reveals Chinpo Shipping’s ties to North Korea
Jennifer Dodgson
Jennifer Dodgson | Leo Byrne September 10, 2015
Court case reveals Chinpo Shipping’s ties to North Korea

Court case reveals Chinpo Shipping’s ties to North Korea

Ongoing legal proceedings highlight extent of North Korean involvement with trusted foreign partners

Court case reveals Chinpo Shipping’s ties to North Korea
Jennifer Dodgson
Jennifer Dodgson September 10, 2015
Trying not to starve in the N. Korean army

Trying not to starve in the N. Korean army

For soldier serving north of the DMZ, the primary enemy is malnourishment

Trying not to starve in the N. Korean army
Kim Yoo-sung
Kim Yoo-sung September 9, 2015