Military affairs | NK News
September 28, 2024

Military affairs

Information related to military issues in North and South Korea

A Navy reborn: New warships spotted in North Korea

A Navy reborn: New warships spotted in North Korea

Exclusive HD photos reveal secretive new class of large warships with advanced capabilities set to enter service

A Navy reborn: New warships spotted in North Korea
Joost Oliemans
Joost Oliemans | Stijn Mitzer November 8, 2016
Is it time for South Korea to nuke up?

Is it time for South Korea to nuke up?

A S. Korean nuclear program isn't needed: rebuilding the U.S.-ROK alliance is the way forward

Is it time for South Korea to nuke up?
John Lee
John Lee November 1, 2016
‘Off with their heads’! Training for ‘decapitation’ of the N. Korea leadership

‘Off with their heads’! Training for ‘decapitation’ of the N. Korea leadership

Amid growing provocation from Pyongyang, the U.S. and South Korea prepare for "first-strike"

‘Off with their heads’! Training for ‘decapitation’ of the N. Korea leadership
Donald Kirk
Donald Kirk October 28, 2016
Tracking the DPRK’s intelligence operations

Tracking the DPRK’s intelligence operations

North Korea's secret services are essential to keeping the regime in power

Tracking the DPRK’s intelligence operations
Stephan Blancke October 18, 2016
Blast-off: Identifying North Korea’s new ER Scud

Blast-off: Identifying North Korea’s new ER Scud

Image analysis shows the DPRK appears to be making significant strides

Blast-off: Identifying North Korea’s new ER Scud
Dave Schmerler | Scott LaFoy October 18, 2016
On the upgrade: North Korea’s rotary cannons

On the upgrade: North Korea’s rotary cannons

New types of indigenously built rotary cannons are quickly replacing older weaponry, indicating continued modernisation

On the upgrade: North Korea’s rotary cannons
Joost Oliemans
Joost Oliemans | Stijn Mitzer October 14, 2016
North Korea’s new rocket engine: what’s it going to launch?

North Korea’s new rocket engine: what’s it going to launch?

One thing is clear: 2016 is “the year of the missile” for the DPRK

North Korea’s new rocket engine: what’s it going to launch?
Tal Inbar
Tal Inbar October 10, 2016
Rival Reputations: North Korean attacks on the U.S. military

Rival Reputations: North Korean attacks on the U.S. military

Jackson's book points to a time when the U.S. dealt with the DPRK very differently

Rival Reputations: North Korean attacks on the U.S. military
Rob York
Rob York October 3, 2016
A force unknown: North Korea’s radar network

A force unknown: North Korea’s radar network

North Korea’s aging radar network enjoys little attention from international observers – yet it plays a vital role in the inter-Korean military balance

A force unknown: North Korea’s radar network
Joost Oliemans
Joost Oliemans | Stijn Mitzer September 27, 2016
Crossing the line: Responding to North Korean provocation

Crossing the line: Responding to North Korean provocation

A new book examines how the DPRK gets away with its over-the-top behavior

Crossing the line: Responding to North Korean provocation
Rob York
Rob York September 26, 2016