Military affairs
Information related to military issues in North and South Korea
North Korea’s New Year’s Eve party plenum reveals major leadership reshuffle
Promotion of top munitions industry official underscores Kim's resolve to continue weapons development in the new year
Kim Jong Un’s plenum speech: experts react
North Korea watchers weigh in on what to make of DPRK leader's U.S.-focused policy speech in place of New Year Address
Kim Jong Un warns of harsh economic times in offensive shift against U.S.
North Korean leader says at end of plenum hopes fading for sanctions relief, new weapon development needed
North Korean plenum to extend for fourth day to consider an “important document”
Though detail sparse from Monday's proceedings, indicators suggest hardline policy on the cards
Econ, military issues discussed on second day of North Korean party meeting
State media reporting lacks details on plenum's second day, event said to remain "ongoing"
Prosperity or pariah? It’s Kim Jong Un’s choice, National Security Advisor says
Robert O'Brien says U.S. will "demonstrate disappointment" if North Korea tests nuclear weapon or long-range missile
Silent night: Christmas day in Korea wraps up with no DPRK missile testing
The lack of test, despite DPRK's "Christmas gift" warning, comes amid slow pace on set up of the December plenum
Timing of North Korean Plenary Meeting suggests break from precedence
Plenum set to be held before end of December and Kim Jong Un's New Year Address on January 1
How one American snuck into North Korea – NK News podcast special episode part 2
Part two of an exclusive NK News series
An American prisoner in North Korea – NK News podcast special episode part 1
Part one of an exclusive NK News series