Military affairs
Information related to military issues in North and South Korea
North Koreans are drying corn — and you can literally see it from outer space
Satellite images show this year’s grain drying season, which is especially important after recent typhoons and floods
North Korea warns Seoul of a ‘miserable demise’ after US-ROK defense talks
North Korean state media condemned the U.S. and South Korea for mentioning a hypothetical preemptive strike scenario
North Korea mysteriously airs and then deletes rare footage of an old SLBM test
The footage is not related to Pyongyang’s newest SLBM developments, but its prompt cover-up raises questions
After a spike in tensions, Seoul says North Korea cooperates ‘in its own way’
Unification minister’s contentious remarks come as North and South reach two-years since a key military agreement
North Korea may parade more than a dozen new heavy missile launchers on Oct. 10
Satellite imagery shows that the DPRK is gearing up storage units — possibly to show off massive, high-tech equipment
October surprise? What to expect from North Korea ahead of the 2020 US election
Precedent suggests that Pyongyang is likely to take wait-and-see posture and act later
No sign of military threat ahead of major North Korean holiday, Seoul says
South Korea also shut down Kim Jong Un’s alleged claims that its military is “no match” for his
How South Korea’s entry into the Indo Pacific initiative will impact North Korea
The initiative will help Seoul deal with Pyongyang, no matter what — and it could help keep Chinese influence at bay
US reviewed plans to use nuclear weapons on North Korea, strike leadership
Amid growing tensions in 2017, U.S. brushed up on plans to attack North Korea using nuclear weapons
Kim Jong Un: ‘Hypersensitive’ US military actions contributed to failed talks
Momentum to restore leader-to-leader rapport was set back after June 2019 Panmunjeom meeting, Kim suggests