Information related to North Korea’s leadership and leadership structures
NK Media Watch – October 9 to 15
WPK Celebrates its Founding, Sports Day in North Korea, and Harvesting Begins
B.R. Myers: Idea that Juche guides N. Korea policy “a myth”
Myers argues that texts of Juche ideology are deliberately obtuse and vague
NK Media Watch – Oct 2 to 8
New Home for North Korean Athletes, Improving Quality of LIfe in Pyongyang, Chastising Park Geun Hye, and the Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's Appointment as General Secretary to the WPK
Kim Jong Un appearances continue to focus on sports-economy
“Kim Jong Un’s Sports Economy on show in September 2013 public appearances”
Why do N. Korean leaders refuse to speak at United Nations?
General Assembly historically popular with enemies of the U.S., but not North Korea
The NK News study guide part 5: The idea called Juche
Origins of misunderstood ideology can be traced from 1955 speech
How North Koreans ads in western newspapers backfired
Designed mainly for domestic reasons, over-the-top ads were derided even by allies
NK Media Watch – Sept 18 to 24
Korean Thanksgiving, Remember Kim Jong Un's Grandmother, and a trip to meet with Chinese officials
North Korea taking uneven approach toward U.S., South Korea?
What the shooting of a border-swimmer suggests about inter-Korean relations
In rare move, KCNA blasts cheating soccer team
Move may be aimed at showing compliance ahead of major sporting events