Human Security / Human Rights
Information related to human security / human rights in North Korea
Japanese Media Watch: October 21 – 27
A weekly round up of DPRK focused stories unreported in English language media
Shelterbox staffer oversees donation in North Korea
Does charity work help Pyongyang, or present a positive image of the outside world?
Experience abroad a double-edged sword for N. Korean diplomats
View from Seoul: What South Koreans are reading in local media about North Korea
Rations? Only after the grains are “cooked, eaten and pooped”
Ask a North Korean: "These days, many North Koreans criticize their government in front of other people."
What was the biggest surprise in N. Korea over the past 5 years?
Little consensus in the most surprising changes in North Korea over past five years
Japanese Media Watch: October 13 – 20
A weekly round up of DPRK focused stories unreported in English language media
What was the biggest change in North Korea over the past 5 years?
Over five days NK News explores a changing North Korea: past, present and future
The secret to watching Steven Seagal movies in North Korea
Ask a North Korean: What was it like growing up in Pyongyang?
Changing the way we approach North Korea: A new tool for engagement
Interview explores uses and benefits of "Engage DPRK" data visualization project
S. Korean gvt. calls for greater control of N. Korean diaspora
South Korean media monitoring: Focus North Korea