Human Security / Human Rights
Information related to human security / human rights in North Korea
Why North Koreans envy the Chinese so much
Envy of improved living standards, not the old alliance, drives their sentiment toward neighbors
No bikes, no trousers: North Korea’s strange rules for women
Despite sporadic enforcement, bans on commonplace things can cause hardships
Rotarian uses deep ties to help the North’s needy
‘North Koreans are like a mirror; if you smile at them, they smile back’
Choe Ryong Hae reappears after rumors of his arrest
High-ranking official not purged, but still may be out of Kim’s true inner circle
NK Media Watch – Feb 26 to Mar 4
A South Korean Spy is Captured, more on the 13th SPA, Reforestation Day, and the March 1st Movement
N. Korea continues to “normalize” villages within closed prison camps
Former prison camps now being converted to "ordinary collective farms and mines"
When North Korea may collapse
Pyongyang's belated economic reforms make 'middle-run' scenarios more likely
The weird, weird world of North Korean elections
Elections used to keep tabs on whereabouts of citizens
Why the UN’s damning human rights report wasn’t a news priority in South Korea
Observer says South Korean media places increased focus on domestic issues, for good reason
Chongryon still Pyongyang’s pawn in covert operations: former intelligence officer
Despite dwindling numbers, pro-North organization can still be useful should hostilities arise