Human Security / Human Rights
Information related to human security / human rights in North Korea
What will be the impact of OFAC’s latest designations?
While short-term impact of designations small, the move sets the groundwork for further action
The benefits – and challenges – of verifying North Korean defector testimony
Learning from perpetrators of state crime is critical, says expert
Is progress really taking place in North Korea?
Changes in North Korea give us hope – but we must take advantage of opportunities for change
Ask a North Korean: Does religion survive in North Korea?
"The underground church in North Korea has been almost completely destroyed"
Kirby: N. Korean human rights situation “remains unchanged”
Former head of COI stresses need for ICC referral
From POW to Saint? Father Kapaun’s long, silent night in North Korea
The Czech-American priest could be the first Saint to emerge from the Korean War
Five years of Kim Jong Un: Are human rights getting worse?
In the fifth part of a six-part series, experts assess North Korea's continued human rights issues
North Korea’s flood recovery: Tracking construction and rehousing
Construction in key regions largely complete in November as in-country organizations assess housing
North Korea’s flood recovery: Tracking construction and rehousing
Construction in key regions largely complete in November as in-country organizations assess housing
Make no mistake: North Korea is a state-level crime family
The difference between the Kim dynasty and the Godfather family is merely one of scale