Human Security / Human Rights
Information related to human security / human rights in North Korea
North Korea’s health ministry launches new website
Ministry of Public Health website lauds DPRK's successes in public health, details state's COVID-19 response
North Koreans asked Singaporean contacts for help sourcing COVID-19 test kits
Request from DPRK diplomats reportedly hampered by Pyongyang's "no cases" claims, however
740 people in North Korea tested for COVID-19, still no confirmed cases: WHO
New WHO figures suggest just 31 have been tested since the beginning of the month
10.4 million North Koreans in “urgent” need of humanitarian assistance: UN
New UN report issues warning on lack of nutrition, healthcare, clean water in DPRK
North Korean state media goes a month without showing domestic COVID-19 work
Frequent updates in text articles continue but directive likely made in late March to halt use of domestic imagery
North Korea experiencing economic hardship, “lagging behind”: state media
Cabinet newspaper also warns against taking aid from "blabbering" imperialists
Ask a North Korean: how does sex education differ between North and South Korea?
"It breaks my heart when I think of how women in North Korea... don't receive even the most basic sex education"
Why Kim Jong Un’s health is a very big deal
The latest flurry of speculation highlights a very real, but too often neglected, aspect of North Korea risk
After UN worker ban took effect, Russia granted 753 work visas to North Koreans
Data reveal flow of DPRK nationals into Russia despite UN sanctions, strict border controls during COVID-19 pandemic
Back to school: North Korea partially resumes high school, university classes
State media warns against loosening quarantine measures, however, to avoid "self-destruction"