Human Security / Human Rights
Information related to human security / human rights in North Korea
On Chuseok, Koreans pray for their loved ones across the border in North Korea
As others visited family, those who can’t because of the Koreas' division gathered to remember long-lost relatives
Moon Jae-in again calls for formal end to Korean War in speech at UN
ROK leader asks for US and Chinese support, as Biden says US seeks 'tangible commitments' for denuclearization
North Korea reports no COVID cases as total tested nears 40,000
Release of latest data follows mask-free military parade, amid apparent confidence in pandemic measures
A diplomat’s life: The uncertainty and tedium of lockdown in North Korea
A former diplomat in Pyongyang gives a first-person account of how authorities responded to the pandemic
The tangled fates of the Koreas and the UN: An NK Pro deep dive
NK Pro explores the UN’s pivotal role on the peninsula as North and South mark 30 years since becoming full UN members
US introduces ‘multiple-entry’ passports for aid workers visiting North Korea
Under U.S. travel ban, special validation passports previously allowed only one round-trip visit
A 200th episode roundtable – NKNews Podcast Ep. 200
NK News journalists and contributors discuss North Korea’s nighttime military parade, cruise missile tests and more
The Kim regime’s failed witch hunt against magic and ‘superstition’
Shamans and fortune-tellers continue to operate in North Korea despite crackdowns and punishments
What a path toward a deal with Pyongyang looks like
Washington will be best served by proactive communication with key players in North Korea
Renewal of North Korea travel ban: A missed opportunity for DPRK-US diplomacy?
Ending the Trump-era travel ban would have been consistent with many stated US goals, despite some diplomatic risks