Human Security / Human Rights
Information related to human security / human rights in North Korea
North Korea says 6 people dead, 187,800 in quarantine due to ‘fever’
Figures come a day after North Korea confirmed its first outbreak of COVID-19
How can South Korea matter more in the world? By improving gender equality.
Yoon Suk-yeol's goal of turning country into a ‘global pivot state’ can’t happen until he drops anti-feminist positions
North Korean COVID-19 rules warn of transmission by balloons, drones and rivers
Expert says authorities in Pyongyang taking advantage of pandemic to further justify isolation and crackdowns on society
Why Omicron might finally change North Korea’s mind about vaccines
Kim Jong Un may continue to refuse aid offers, but former DPRK officials think Pyongyang outbreak changes the game
Omicron has stopped normal life in Pyongyang. But will it stop a nuclear test?
Experts divided on whether Pyongyang will push ahead with nuclear test or focus all efforts on stamping out Omicron
North Korea reports first-ever COVID-19 outbreak
State media announces ‘maximum’ quarantine procedures to fight Omicron infections in the country
Pyongyang lockdown appears to continue for second day: Sources
Calls to multiple North Korean businesses go answered day after ‘national problem’ forced people indoors
Why the risks of an Omicron outbreak in North Korea are getting worse
Spikes in neighboring countries, economic impact on China and a stagnant containment strategy add to old problems
Yoon Suk-yeol’s inauguration speech: Key takeaways and full text
Experts say new South Korean president is cleaving strongly toward U.S.-led internationalism
Yoon Suk-yeol vows to improve North Korea’s economy if it denuclearizes
But expert say it’s unlikely cash-for-nukes incentives move the needle in Pyongyang