Human Security / Human Rights
Information related to human security / human rights in North Korea
North Korea’s economic reforms were a wild success. Just ask defectors.
Regime’s aborted experiment with marketization increased food consumption, counter to pessimistic economic assessments
Timeline: From North Korea’s party plenum to sending drones into South Korea
NK Pro timeline charts the key events from December 1 - December 31
North Korea in December 2022: A month in review and what’s ahead
An analytical look at the main developments from December 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022
Seoul approves over $4M in private humanitarian aid to North Korea in 2022
South Korea says it approved 12th shipment in December, though DPRK has rejected most assistance during pandemic
Has North Korea moved on from the mass games and its human pixel card stunts?
DPRK has not held mass games in two years, replacing card-flipping kids with video projections at New Year’s Eve concert
Nukes, missiles and satellites: What to make of North Korea’s plenum outcome
Kim Jong Un’s confrontational stance toward Seoul raises risk of limited inter-Korean conflict in year ahead
Unfinished business: Overlooked developments of North Korea’s busy missile year
DPRK has yet to test an array of desired capabilities, while the succession question remains publicly unresolved
Kim Jong Un’s biggest accomplishments of 2022, according to state propaganda
Main newspaper lauds missiles, COVID ‘victory’ and construction while glossing over food shortages and other problems
40+ launches, 174K ethereum, 168* COVID cases: North Korea’s 2022 by the numbers
Data tells story of a record year of DPRK missile tests and crypto theft, as the virus finally breached border controls
State media review: North Korea slams Seoul’s economic policies as pro-US
An in-depth analysis of criticism of Yoon, praise of nuclear missiles, admonitions to study hard and more