Information related to North Korean history
The North Korean perspective of the 1989 World Festival – NKNews Podcast Ep.93
Former Pyongyang resident Choi Sung-guk discusses his experiences of the international event
Comrades disunited: North Korea and the Soviet-Albanian split
A diplomatic and ideological spat between Moscow and Tirana left Pyongyang in a tricky position
Some anti-U.S. education in North Korea persists, despite diplomatic détente
Satellite imagery and state media reveal regular visits to American atrocity-focused museums continue
“Brothers”: the banned North Korean-Soviet film ruined by Juche politics
A jointly-produced movie, the first of its kind, showed just how strict the DPRK really was
Politics and the Korean language: a history of Chinese characters in the DPRK
Both simplified and traditional characters remain in use to this day
Grist to Pyongyang’s mill: Tokyo’s trade war with Seoul
North Korea will seek to gain from the fallout created by the feuding allies
Dangerous myths: why North Korean culture idolizes the Koguryo period
DPRK-made cartoons often distort historical reality and perpetuate nationalist falsehoods
North Korea, marking key anniversary, warns against “submission” to foreign powers
Analyst notes toned-down nature of special article, however
The Czech connection at the 1989 World Festival – NKNews Podcast Ep.80
Dr. Vladimir Hlasny talks about the International Union of Students and its role in the event
The historical roots of North Korea’s notoriously-unreliable statistics
From grain cultivation to heavy industry, manipulation of data made numbers larger than reality