Information related to North Korean history
Comrades disunited: North Korea and the Soviet-Albanian split
A diplomatic and ideological spat between Moscow and Tirana left Pyongyang in a tricky position
Some anti-U.S. education in North Korea persists, despite diplomatic détente
Satellite imagery and state media reveal regular visits to American atrocity-focused museums continue
“Brothers”: the banned North Korean-Soviet film ruined by Juche politics
A jointly-produced movie, the first of its kind, showed just how strict the DPRK really was
Politics and the Korean language: a history of Chinese characters in the DPRK
Both simplified and traditional characters remain in use to this day
Grist to Pyongyang’s mill: Tokyo’s trade war with Seoul
North Korea will seek to gain from the fallout created by the feuding allies
Dangerous myths: why North Korean culture idolizes the Koguryo period
DPRK-made cartoons often distort historical reality and perpetuate nationalist falsehoods
North Korea, marking key anniversary, warns against “submission” to foreign powers
Analyst notes toned-down nature of special article, however
The Czech connection at the 1989 World Festival – NKNews Podcast Ep.80
Dr. Vladimir Hlasny talks about the International Union of Students and its role in the event
The historical roots of North Korea’s notoriously-unreliable statistics
From grain cultivation to heavy industry, manipulation of data made numbers larger than reality
What to expect if Trump visits the DMZ this weekend
An upcoming visit to South Korea offers the President an opportunity to send a message to Pyongyang