Information related to North Korean history
End of an era: Choe Chang Su, the North Korean “people’s actor,” passes away
Hailing from humble roots, Choe became a fixture of the DPRK silver screen under Kim Jong Il
An American in Pyongyang: Kim Il Sung’s 1972 interview with the New York Times
Salisbury and Lee's visit to North Korea provided Americans with a long-awaited glimpse into life in the Hermit Kingdom
“The Two Koreas” and the United States – NKNews Podcast Ep.115
Robert Carlin discusses the third edition of one of the definitive books on Korean history
It’s the security guarantees, stupid – NKNews Podcast Ep.114
Retired Lt. Gen. Robert G. Gard, Jr. discusses his experiences of the Korean War and failures in U.S.-DPRK diplomacy
The movement to return the Japanese wives of Zainichi repatriates from N. Korea
Letters sent to Japan revealing the reality of life in the DPRK sparked demands abroad for the wives to be brought home
North Korean state media’s anti-U.S. propaganda remains coded in new year
Coverage of Sinchon Museum showcasing alleged American atrocities continues without explicit U.S. mention
Going “home”: why 87,000 Zainichi Koreans moved from Japan to North Korea
From 1959 to 1984, thousands of Koreans in Japan were promised a better life in the DPRK, only to be met with suffering
Unconverted political prisoners, and inter-Korean romance, in DPRK fiction
Stories based (very) loosely on the real-life repatriations of prisoners from South to North became popular in the 2000s
Ask a North Korean: were North Koreans genuinely grieving when Kim Il Sung died?
"It felt like the world was coming to an end"
The Flower of Unification: how a girl from the South became an icon in the North
Lim Su-kyung's 1989 Pyongyang visit shows how close, and yet how far apart, the two Koreas were and remain to this day