Information related to North Korean history
Jesters in the king’s service: Standup comedy in North Korea
Popular propaganda performers lampoon social vices, but their satirical barbs never stray toward dissent
When a Czechoslovak diplomat bemoaned the Prague Spring from Pyongyang
Czechoslovakia played a unique role on the Korean Peninsula during the Cold War, rubbing some the wrong way
The tangled fates of the Koreas and the UN: An NK Pro deep dive
NK Pro explores the UN’s pivotal role on the peninsula as North and South mark 30 years since becoming full UN members
Guns in one hand: Kim Jong Un’s revitalization of the Worker-Peasant Red Guards
Elite force featured in parade is akin to the National Guard, helping to repel invasion and respond to natural disasters
As Japanese election approaches, Shinzo Abe’s legacy on North Korea looms large
Former prime minister championed abduction issue but oversaw deteriorating relations with Pyongyang and Seoul
The eccentric South Korean intellectual in Pyongyang’s employ
Song Du-yul acted as an enthusiastic propagandist for the regime and likely held a prominent role in the bureaucracy
Kids these days: North Korea calls on youth to emulate their virtuous parents
A North Korean radio drama gives important insights into growing generational divides inside the country
The Kim regime’s failed witch hunt against magic and ‘superstition’
Shamans and fortune-tellers continue to operate in North Korea despite crackdowns and punishments
A very North Korean way to die
The Kim personality cult has penetrated the most intimate aspects of North Korean life, even the mourning of the dead
Understanding North Korea’s ‘final victory’ and why it matters
For top North Korean officials, the quickest way to ensure their system’s long-term survival is through reunification