Foreign Relations
Information related to the North Korea’s foreign relations
Japan-based U.S. Global Hawk drones to monitor North Korea and China
Drones will fill regional reconnaissance gaps, support interests of America’s Asian allies
Enjoying a very unusual life indeed: North Korea in 1984
Lankov says life for a foreign visitor in 1980s Pyongyang had its own pleasures, amusements
Give cultural engagement with North Korea a chance
Efforts by Globe Theatre should be encouraged, as should presence of foreign broadcasters
Sanctions increase regional inequality, cross-border trade – report
Adapting to int'l sanctions, N.Korean leadership redistributes resources to urban centers, according to study
Could revitalization of Russia – North Korea relations lead to an economic renaissance?
Russia - DPRK relations have been steadily improving for over a year, suggesting Ukraine situation not cause
State Dept. North Korea grants could entail risk of criminal punishment
State Department call for funding proposals contradicts "do no harm" strategy advocated by UN COI
Why Seoul, Tokyo don’t cooperate on North Korea
Efforts at united front against Pyongyang, China hindered by domestic political concerns
Is tourism in North Korea a good or bad idea? Eleven defectors share their thoughts
Defectors have mixed views about advantages, disadvantages to tourism in North Korea
The contradictions of Dresden
Park’s position on joint military drills, denuclearization doom her proposal
What should the intl. community do to help the people of North Korea?
Mixture of isolation, engagement and carrot & stick strategies suggested by refugees