Foreign Relations
Information related to the North Korea’s foreign relations
A Trump presidency and North Korea: Three potential outcomes
Continuation of status quo, or ROK paying more for troops, appear possible outcomes
Why sending overseas North Korean workers home won’t improve human rights
"Sending these workers back home is not going to improve their lives, or buy us their understanding"
N.Korea studies: Arguments against language learning don’t add up
Despite flaws with recent opinion on topic, author suggests Korean learning remains essential
Failure to see things as Pyongyang does holds back our understanding
Those at the top of U.S. diplomatic and political bureaucracies often don’t “get” it
How elections in U.S. and South Korea will impact North Korea policy
Time running out for President Park to set in stone North Korea pressure policies
PUST: A crucial part of science diplomacy
PUST Chancellor rejects notion that university is training hackers and nuclear proliferators
Few exit ramps available to alleviate N.Korea tensions: Dr. Victor Cha
Historical data suggests North Korean cycle of provocation ahead
What happens when Americans get arrested in North Korea?
Former American detainee reveals new details of his captivity, showing what others can expect
Despite Trump’s claims, U.S. troops in the region have value
Republican nominee's proposals show little understanding of wider security situation in Asia