Foreign Relations
Information related to the North Korea’s foreign relations
What happens when Americans get arrested in North Korea?
Former American detainee reveals new details of his captivity, showing what others can expect
Despite Trump’s claims, U.S. troops in the region have value
Republican nominee's proposals show little understanding of wider security situation in Asia
Uganda reveals another military contract with North Korea
Language regarding status of contract absent in UN implementation document
Sharpen the U.S. machete with a policy-enforcer on North Korea
President needs to give full support to enforce implementation of a comprehensive N.Korea policy
Donald Trump’s North Korea Policy: Hamburgers with Kim Jong Un?
Mr. Trump’s vision of hamburgers with Kim Jong Un seems as much a pipe dream as Tea with Mussolini
Washington’s N. Korea sanctions bet has full support, for now
Whatever their goal, sanctions are seen as the only way to go in the Washington of summer 2016
How Korea’s THAAD deployment could blow up in Washington’s face
THAAD deployment gives Kim Jong Un a propaganda bonanza, free of charge
Why THAAD objections depend a lot on politics, in Korea and beyond
Chinese objections reflect understandable self-interest, but same cannot be said of S. Korea's left
UN convention against organized crime: The farce of N.Korean participation
The difference between the Kim dynasty and the Godfather family is merely one of scale