Foreign Relations
Information related to the North Korea’s foreign relations
Convoy of trucks seen crossing from China to North Korea under police escort
Contents of shipping containers spotted in Dandong headed to North Korea unknown
How we should remember Otto Warmbier
Former head of UN COI on DPRK human rights says tragic case "tells the world that it should act"
It’s time to end engagement with North Korea
The tragic case of Otto Warmbier confirms that the DPRK cannot be changed through tourism
North Korea has crossed a red line in its brutalization of Otto Warmbier
The lesson of the tragic case is clear: Americans are in danger in the DPRK
Why North Korea’s dreams of becoming a tourism hotspot were always doomed
The Warmbier case is the latest disaster in a long-failing project
Why North Korea can’t trust Washington
U.S. policy towards North Korea won't have credibility until the message is consistent
DPRK blues: How I ended up working in development in North Korea
In the first part of a series, former NGO staffer writes about arriving in the North
Why recent U.S. sanctions target Russia, not China
The latest designations suggest the Kremlin is not seen as a useful partner in dealing with the DPRK
Lectures and threats: How to read rumors of a North Korea-China breakup
Reports of bellicose lectures in the DPRK's border regions should be taken with a pinch of salt
The View from Jingshan: China reacts to election of Moon Jae-in
Throughout the country, discourse on North Korea has softened