Foreign Relations
Information related to the North Korea’s foreign relations
No member state purchases N. Korean coal for three months: UN
Despite the absence of coal revenue, North Korean imports of Chinese goods remain high
Dandong customs house in July: A look at what’s going into North Korea
Despite Trump's calls for China to cut trade, Dandong customs house appeared busy in late July pictures
Panama in possible breach of UNSC Resolution 2321: investigation
The country continues to register vessels with strong links to North Korea
The View from Jingshan: Beijing denies responsibility for N. Korean ICBM tests
Observers in China largely blame the U.S. for DPRK missile tests, support Moon Jae-in's push for talks
Why Russia won’t call the Hwasong-14 an ICBM
The Kremlin cannot publicly accept that the DPRK represents a serious threat to the U.S.
What Moscow wants: Russia’s vision for North Korea’s future
The Kremlin is a pivotal, yet ultimately passive power, when it comes to peninsula issues
New U.S. sanctions against the DPRK: A North Korean perspective
MFA researcher argues that aim of U.S. measures is regime change, not denuclearization
Why the U.S. Congress increasingly agrees on North Korea
DPRK provocations have provoked a level of unity rarely seen in America's dysfunctional legislature
North Korea’s second ICBM test: What should happen now
The U.S. must drop its illusions and pursue a freeze deal
From hairy crabs to shrimp: Yanbian’s thriving trade in North Korean seafood
Traders say demand remains high, even if DPRK-sourced produce doesn't come as cheap as it once did