Foreign Relations
Information related to the North Korea’s foreign relations
How Biden’s foreign policy and defense picks could affect North Korea
Biden recently picked Wendy Sherman, Kathleen Hicks, Victoria Nuland and Colin Kahl to join his team
Why North Korea paradoxically does and does not want to boost its economy
Many carrots have been dangled in front of the DPRK, but leaders don’t want economic growth to ruin their political sway
North Korea and China upgraded nearly all border trade crossings in 2020
In a likely push for trade, Pyongyang and Beijing poured resources into roads and other projects for a post-COVID-19 era
North Korea shines the spotlight on China during first day of Party Congress
A letter from China’s communist party came hot off the state press, but still nothing from other socialist allies
Kim Jong Un gives rare speech at first North Korean Party Congress in years
Kim spoke on the country’s “underachieved” economic plan for a massive political event that will take several days
China-DPRK trade was on the rise, but plunged in 2020 over COVID-19
North Korea leaned into unsustainable trade deficits with China, and then COVID-19 disrupted it all
‘Lips and teeth’: The rise of DPRK-China relations – NKNews Podcast Ep. 164
NK News's Chad O'Carroll, Colin Zwirko and Min Chao Choy discuss what growing Pyongyang-Beijing ties could bring in 2021
Top US commander wants Biden to shoot for more North Korea diplomacy in 2021
United States Forces Korea commander urges Biden to continue military drills as well as ‘palpable’ reduction of tensions
Report: The rise in North Korea-China relations and what it means for 2021
While COVID-19 has halted most exchange, indicators suggest momentum between two allies will continue after virus passes
North Korea could deploy more illegal workers abroad using new Russian e-visas
Russia rolled out a new visa program to 52 countries, experts say it could weaken the U.N. ban on DPRK workers