Foreign Relations
Information related to the North Korea’s foreign relations
North Korea’s threatening message to the US is a covert nudge for negotiations
The DPRK said it will continue developing nuclear strike capabilities, but it still left the door open for diplomacy
Expert roundup: What North Korea’s Eighth Party Congress says about the future
Analysts weigh in on North Korea’s relationship with Seoul and Washington, plus the DPRK’s economic outlook in 2021
North Korea calls the US its ‘biggest enemy’ and vows to keep developing nukes
At Eighth Party Congress, Kim Jong Un also vows not to use nuclear weapons unless DPRK sovereignty is threatened
US sets up new cybersecurity bureau to combat threat from North Korea and others
State Department says North Korean, Chinese, Russian and Iranian cyber threat has increased since 2019
Kim Jong Un eyes South Korea and other countries on third day of Party Congress
State media says that North Korea will “expand and develop” foreign relations in the future
How Biden’s foreign policy and defense picks could affect North Korea
Biden recently picked Wendy Sherman, Kathleen Hicks, Victoria Nuland and Colin Kahl to join his team
Why North Korea paradoxically does and does not want to boost its economy
Many carrots have been dangled in front of the DPRK, but leaders don’t want economic growth to ruin their political sway
North Korea and China upgraded nearly all border trade crossings in 2020
In a likely push for trade, Pyongyang and Beijing poured resources into roads and other projects for a post-COVID-19 era
North Korea shines the spotlight on China during first day of Party Congress
A letter from China’s communist party came hot off the state press, but still nothing from other socialist allies
Kim Jong Un gives rare speech at first North Korean Party Congress in years
Kim spoke on the country’s “underachieved” economic plan for a massive political event that will take several days