Foreign Relations
Information related to the North Korea’s foreign relations
Trump leaves office with a shaky North Korea legacy that could haunt Biden
Experts say Trump left a net positive on North Korea, but also a domestic mess that will distract Biden from Pyongyang
With Trump gone, Kim Jong Un will realize that he bet on the wrong horse
The North Korean leader spent a lot of time wooing a U.S. president that’s about to be replaced by hardliner Joe Biden
‘Hope alone is not a course of action’: US official gives parting words on DPRK
U.S. Ambassador Harry Harris is set to leave Seoul on Thursday and weighed in on diplomacy and U.S.-ROK military drills
Why North Korea is as dangerous as ever to South Korea – NKNews Podcast Ep. 166
South Korean National Assembly member and former DPRK diplomat Thae Yong-ho discusses inter-Korean relations and WMDs
Biden is about to be president, and Moon wants him to undo Trump’s mistakes
In a New Year’s press conference, President Moon Jae-in says Kim Jong Un is willing to continue denuclearization talks
Recap: Top moments at North Korea’s Eighth Party Congress
The eight-day-long event went over failures of the last five years and clarified social, economic and military plans
A newly-declassified document underscores Trump’s North Korea failures
The U.S. wanted to convince North Korea that it doesn’t need nukes, but Kim is far from persuaded
Statues in Africa traced back to North Korean artists making money for regime
A new report suggests that two North Korean artists are using a front company to make the DPRK dollars
It’s not about nukes. The real news is North Korea’s dangerous economic reforms.
North Korea pursued economic reform for the last 10 years, but decisions at the Party Congress will undo that progress
Biden’s ‘Asia tsar’ appointee adds to a wave of focus on North Korea and China
Kurt Campbell’s next pivot to Asia strategy involves the U.S. bringing its allies together to pressure North Korea