Information related to the North Korea economic sector
Euro rises 20% against North Korean won in 2018, unofficial data shows
Increase in unofficial exchange rate data comes despite U.S. dollar remaining static
North Korean revenues from Chinese trade at lowest level in eight years
Trend continues downward spiral as UN sanctions appear to take effect
How Seoul could creatively re-approach inter-Korean cooperation
The Moon administration's options are limited - but there are some areas in which engagement could happen
China ships USD$18 million of newly sanctioned goods to North Korea in January
Though trade was reduced from December presanctions levels
Chinese fuel exports to North Korea remain at zero in January
Evidence of unrecorded oil trades, however, continues to mount
Mandate for talks: how likely is a third inter-Korean summit?
Public support for a Kim-Moon meeting is high, but Seoul suffers when dialogue fails to deliver results
Engagement 2.0? Issues with re-opening the Kaesong Industrial Complex
The now-shuttered project offers some lessons on the limits of North Korean SEZs
As sanctions began to bite, North Korean exports to China plummeted in 2017
International pressure cut USD$1.2 billion from the DPRK's export revenues last year, statistics show
Towerblock construction surrounding Kim Il Sung square slows, photos show
Limited construction progress over four month period, despite central Pyongyang location
How the North is run: the Politburo and the Central Committee
What powers do the high echelons of the ruling party have over Kim Jong Un?