Defector Issues
Information related to North Korean defector issues
What’s in a name? Defectors’ organization attracts criticism
Coalition rails against Korea Hana Foundation for name change, budget issues, lack of defector representation
News and newsworthiness in N. Korea: Why it doesn’t exist
Why real news about crime, catastrophe and corruption does not exist in DPRK media
Ask a North Korean: Meet Kim Yoo-sung, son of a fugitive
"My father secretly helped a South Korean prisoner from the Korean War escape from the North"
Human rights in North Korea: Are they actually improving?
Experts divided as to whether things improving on the ground in North Korea
How Yanbian became a meeting place for both Koreas
North Korea labor, South Korean investment and culture meet in Chinese border province
Hello from a former resident of Mt. Paektu, North Korea
Ask a North Korean column relaunches with two new writers joining Ji Min from Pyongyang
Why researching defectors takes creativity
Academic says human relatability matters helps those studying refugees learn new information
Famine survivors used humor to cope – Interview
Academic who talked with defectors finds many feel ambivalent about N. Korean government
Why North Koreans are driven to drive
How cars became a status symbol north of the DMZ, and why this carries over after defection
Watching the defectors: speaking truth to power
Exiles may not be typical, but their voices are authentic and vital