Information related to the North Korean culture and culture in North Korea
NK Media Watch – Nov 27 to Dec 3
New Sports Tech; Female Athletes; Homage Paid to Kim Jong Il Around the World
The German Neo-Nazi fascination with North Korea
Lesser-known Strasserite Nazi faction key to understanding admiration for Pyongyang
NK Media Watch – Nov 20 to 26
Patriotic Song Gains Popularity; Hockey Season Starts; The Third Anniversary of Yonpyongdo
Why North Koreans now long for the age of indoctrination
Bygone-era provided more stability, despite criticism sessions putting Cold War allies to shame
A foreigner locked up in N. Korea: The case of Chantal Sobkowicz
Evangelical Christian used job in Pyongyang as vehicle for spreading gospel to oblivious North Koreans
Ask a North Korean: Is there sex education in the DPRK?
Repressed, uneducated public troubled by concepts the West takes for granted
The rise of North Korea’s new rich
From washing machines to bulging waistlines, wealthy Northerners flaunt new wealth
When a goat and pig decided to join the North Korean army
Ask a North Korean: Are there any jokes North Koreans like to tell?
NK Media Watch – Nov 6 to 12
KPA Soldiers Praised for Building Parks; International Soccer Match with Indonesia; New Tech and Development District Announced;