Information related to companies trading in and out of North Korea
OFAC’s new sanctions on N. Korean shipping
New designations likely further limit chances of seeing OMM ships outside of East Asia
In Northeast China, overworked performers sent home to Pyongyang
Pyongyang Art Troupe lasts just one year in the disillusioning conditions of the Hunchun hotel
U.S. sanctions KPA unit, shipping companies, N. Koreans overseas
New designations include individuals abroad and OMM-affiliated shipping companies
North Korea’s patriotic producers of cigarettes
N.Korean tobacco tear-inducingly strong to Southerners, N.Koreans find S.Korean tobacco unmanly
Without more flights, North Korea tourism industry will stagnate
Possible Shanghai-to-Pyongyang flights a godsend in face of potential stagnation
Russia, North Korea will sign electric power deal
Government decree says agreement will look to upgrade DPRK power stations, infrastructure
North Korean tankers return to Russia
Tankers primarily use a terminal operated by a large, independent Russian oil and gas company
North Korea: Stuck in the past or poised for the future?
Experience shows that working with the North works; coercive demands do not
North Korea has ‘excellent’ oil and gas exploration potential
Recent report indicates possible DPRK oil and gas reserves, though extraction remains difficult
North Korea has ‘excellent’ oil and gas exploration potential
Recent report indicates possible DPRK oil and gas reserves, though extraction remains difficult