Information related to companies trading in and out of North Korea
A year on from KIC closure, two CEOs struggle to rebuild their businesses
Park Yong-man and Lee Joung-deok look back on the shock closure one year on
North Korea maintaining assets at Kaesong Industrial Complex, satellite imagery shows
DPRK officials are keeping vehicles in good condition, may be preparing for complex reopening
Pictures show popular S. Korean clothing brand being made in N. Korea
Brand visible in photos cannot be named for legal reasons
Two previously sanctioned N.Korea-linked ships return to service
One of the vessels formerly had close ties to a North Korean weapons smuggler
Satellite imagery confirms Chinese oil rig in N. Korea’s EEZ
Pictures taken in 2015 indicate more frequent oil exploration in DPRK waters
Open for business? Inter-Korean economic projects under “Sunshine 2.0”
A change of government in Seoul could lead to a renewal of Inter-Korean economic projects
Running out of options, North Korea-linked ships change to Fijian flags
Fiji authorities deny issuing the flags, calling the registrations "fraudulent and illegal"
Another small N. Korean cargo ship arrives at Chinese coal terminal
The small cargo ship has a North Korean flag and is operated by a Pyongyang based company
Palau deregisters sanctioned North Korean ship
Vessel gets renamed, reflagged and new North Korean owners, indicating it is not being retired
North Korea media reveals location of suspicious ship
Tanzanian vessel has not broadcast any location information for six weeks