An overview of all North Korea timelines published on NK News.
Timeline: From North and South Korean missile tests to offer to resume hotlines
NK Pro timeline charts the key events from September 1 to September 30
Timeline: From US-ROK military drills to North Korea cutting the hotlines again
NK Pro timeline charts the key events from August 1 to August 31
Timeline: From inter-Korean hotlines to US deputy secretary’s trip to Seoul
NK Pro timeline charts the key events from July 1 to July 31
Timeline: From sharp North Korea-China trade decline to Kim’s sudden weight loss
NK Pro timeline charts the key events from June 1 to June 30
Timeline: From US-ROK summit to child mine workers
NK Pro timeline charts the key events from May 1 to May 31
Timeline: From Kim Jong Un’s famine reference to a signed cost-sharing deal
NK Pro timeline charts the key events from April 1 to April 30
Timeline: From Blinken’s Seoul visit to North Korea’s ballistic missile tests
NK Pro timeline charts the key events from March 1 to March 31
Timeline: From Washington’s foreign policy moves to South Korea’s leaky border
NK Pro timeline charts the key events from Feb. 1 - Feb. 28
Timeline: From the Eighth Party Congress to Biden’s inauguration
NK Pro timeline charts the key events from Jan. 1 - Jan. 31
Timeline: From the 80-day battle’s end to the controversial leaflet ban
NK Pro timeline charts the key events from Dec. 1 - Dec. 31