Information related to shipping in and around the DPRK
North Korean ship named in sanctions report sinks near Japan’s west coast
The vessel appears to have been carrying iron banned for sale by UN sanctions
North Korean ship traffic is resurging, but humanitarian aid still seems stuck
Aid containers meant for North Korea have been held for months at Dalian, once a busy logistics hub for NGOs
US to North Korea sanctions violators: Prepare to ‘lose liberty and property’
FBI wants to send a "clear" message with latest ship seizure and warrant for Singaporean man’s arrest
North Korea turns airport into COVID-19 disinfection center to boost trade
Satellite imagery shows construction at airfield near the Chinese border — possibly to tackle extreme drop in imports
North Korean ships visit Chinese coal and iron ports, possibly for illegal sales
At least five North Korea-linked ships took turns at Longkou Port for possible sales between March 29 and April 13
North Korea in March 2021: A month in review and what’s ahead
An analytical look at the main developments from March 1, 2021 to March 31, 2021
UN to censor North Korea sanctions report at South Korean government’s request
The U.N. agreed to remove the Loi Hope ship’s identity despite possible links to North Korea, a source told NK Pro
After serious drops in trade, North Korean ship activity surges near China
At least five DPRK-flagged ships not seen since 2017 reappeared near the Shandong Peninsula
North Korea bought smuggled oil and flouted rules meant to stop its nuke program
New report suggests that North Korea illegally bought Taiwanese oil for years in order to circumvent a U.N. fuel cap
Warship catches ship-to-ship transfer on mission to stop North Korean smuggling
Photos of unflagged tankers lashed together with hoses show North Korea’s economy still running on oil, experts say