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April 01, 2025Apr 01, 2025


Shea Cotton

Shea Cotton

Shea Cotton is a Research Associate at the Middlebury Institute at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies.


How the US plans to crack down on ransom payments to North Korean hackers

In October, the U.S. issued new guidelines warning tech firms that they can face fines for paying ransoms to the DPRK

Shea CottonShea CottonOctober 7, 2020

Why insurance companies might be stuck paying ransoms to North Korean hackers

North Korean hackers make ransoms cheaper than backup and restoration costs, making it likely companies will pay up

Shea CottonShea CottonAugust 18, 2020

Judge Juche: North Korean misadventures in Uganda

How a DPRK-linked firm sought to scam local insurance companies out of millions

Shea CottonShea CottonMarch 27, 2019