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Scott LaFoy

Scott LaFoy

Scott LaFoy is a researcher focusing in satellite imagery in Washington, D.C. He is co-editor with Yong Kwon at the Rice & Iron Blog (, focusing his research in energy security and military/political affairs on the Korean Peninsula, with an emphasis on primary and declassified intelligence documentation and satellite imagery.


The accuracy – or lack of – of North Korea’s missiles

Weapons such as the North's are more useful as instruments of terror than of precision

Scott LaFoyScott LaFoyJune 2, 2016

The accuracy – or lack of – of North Korea’s missiles

Weapons such as the North's are more useful as instruments of terror than of precision

Scott LaFoyScott LaFoyJune 2, 2016

North Korea’s inaccurate yet useful converted S-75 missiles

Aging anti-air systems can be repurposed as offensive weapons against civilians, missile defenses

Scott LaFoyScott LaFoyMay 25, 2016

Organization of North Korea’s ballistic missiles

DPRK’s Strategic Force an opaque but vital part of the Korean People’s Army

Scott LaFoyScott LaFoyMay 16, 2016

How North Korea would use ballistic missiles

DPRK’s arsenal of long-range missiles mainly for targeting civilians, not attacking military targets

Scott LaFoyScott LaFoyMay 5, 2016

S.Korea makes shaky claims on North Korea’s satellite launch

Recent claims made by military experts in South Korea pull too much data from one fairing

Scott LaFoyScott LaFoyApril 29, 2016

S.Korea makes shaky claims on North Korea’s satellite launch

Recent claims made by military experts in South Korea pull too much data from one fairing

Scott LaFoyScott LaFoyApril 29, 2016

North Korea’s potential nuclear delivery systems

What weapons does North Korea have which could potentially deliver a nuclear strike?

John G. GrisafiJohn G. Grisafi | Scott LaFoyFebruary 21, 2016

Houthis may have fired North Korean missiles – South Korean intelligence

Reports of Hwasong missiles being used in Yemen unverified, difficult to confirm

Scott LaFoyScott LaFoyJuly 31, 2015

Frigate pictures suggest significant DPRK naval upgrade

Full capabilities remain unknown, but new missiles could present headache for U.S. and allies

Scott LaFoyScott LaFoyJune 26, 2014