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March 11, 2025Mar 11, 2025


Rachel Hahn

An experienced UK government senior official operating at Assistant Director level with wide experience of working in the UK Diplomatic and 5 Eyes Allies intelligence community, delivering with impact & pace on policy, security and business issues with International Engagement at her core. Now moved into an International Trade Negotiations remit while still holding/leading on National Security portfolio of themes.


Cyber warfare: How North Korea benefits from unpredictability

Outlining North Koreans present and future threats in the new battlefield of cyber warfare

Rachel HahnJune 22, 2016

Wake up to North Korea’s cyber-threats

Frequently discussed in South Korea, Pyongyang's cyber attacks only started to get attention elsewhere after Sony

Rachel HahnJune 13, 2016

The Sony hack: North Korean cyber capabilities get the world’s attention

Considered technologically backward, with late-2014 attack Pyongyang sent leaders scrambling to respond

Rachel HahnJune 10, 2016