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July 16, 2024


Peter Ward

Peter Ward

Peter Ward is a research fellow at the Sejong Institute. His work focuses on North Korean politics, the economy and society. He has a Ph.D. from the University of Vienna.


North Korean enterprise and collective farm reform: what next?

Property rights will require a major overhaul if the DPRK is to experience any real development

Peter WardPeter WardAugust 13, 2018

Price setting in North Korea: From marketization to institutionalization

Analysis suggests the market has moved from the margins of the DPRK economy to the center

Peter WardPeter WardAugust 6, 2018

How the famine years prompted North Korea’s first real enterprise reforms

Economic crisis saw some companies turn to financial self-reliance - with little success

Peter WardPeter WardJuly 5, 2018

The black, the state-run, and the grey: three kinds of markets in N. Korea today

Business often takes place at the intersection of legality and illegality

Peter WardPeter WardJune 28, 2018

How N. Korea can fix its credibility problem with international investors

Building trust will require compromises, but potential solutions available

Peter WardPeter WardJune 25, 2018

Risky business? Potential sectors for investment in North Korea

Mining, finance, and infrastructure could be lucrative industries when - and if - sanctions are relieved

Peter WardPeter WardJune 18, 2018

Art of the deal: commercial contracts in DPRK law

Analysis shows enterprises have been granted unparalleled fiscal autonomy in certain areas of activity

Peter WardPeter WardMay 30, 2018

North Korea as the next Vietnam? It’s unlikely

"Reform and opening-up" could be highly damaging to political stability

Peter WardPeter WardMay 15, 2018

Why South Korean politics holds scary lessons for North Korea’s elite

The sorry fates of former ROK heads of state could one day be visited on the Kims

Peter WardPeter WardMay 8, 2018

The biggest tax cuts in North Korean history

The DPRK's command economy made the abolition of personal income tax largely symbolic

Peter WardPeter WardMay 7, 2018