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NK News

NK News

NK News is a North Korea specialist news and information resource head-quartered in Delaware, U.S.A.


Tourism in North Korea: What the agents think

DPRK tour companies weigh in on the current state of North Korean tourism

NK NewsNK NewsOctober 16, 2014

North Korea, South Korea, Russia to cooperate on coal shipment

Trilateral project will test if South Korea can link to Russia's trans-Siberian railway

NK NewsNK NewsOctober 15, 2014

North and South Korea exchange rifle fire

The DPRK fired on balloons carrying anti-North Korea leaflets, prompting return fire from the South

NK NewsNK NewsOctober 10, 2014

What do journalists think about reporting on North Korea?

Journalists weigh in on the current state of North Korean reporting

NK NewsNK NewsOctober 9, 2014

North and South Korea exchange fire near western sea border

Korean warships have fired warning shots at each other, three days after high level delegation in Seoul

NK NewsNK NewsOctober 7, 2014

The KPA museum – North Korea’s best

A behind-the-scenes look at Pyongyang’s little-known site honoring the Korean People’s Army

NK NewsNK NewsOctober 3, 2014

Russian investors to visit North Korea

Announcement made during North Korean foreign minister's visit to Russia

NK NewsNK NewsOctober 2, 2014

North Korean foreign minister visits Russia

DPRK official in 10 day visit, will meet Russian counterpart to discuss bilateral cooperation

NK NewsNK NewsSeptember 30, 2014

NK News announces new specialist opinion survey

NK News launches specialist opinion survey on 11 topics related to North Korea

NK NewsNK NewsSeptember 30, 2014

Chinese coal exports to North Korea show huge increase

Chinese customs data shows increases in coal, crude oil cut off still ongoing

NK NewsNK NewsSeptember 24, 2014
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