NK News is a North Korea specialist news and information resource head-quartered in Delaware, U.S.A.
What should we make of the President's hardline speech?
In Geneva, Han Tae Song warns of a response that will "make the U.S. suffer the greatest pain"
Earthquake felt in Yanji, northeast China, where air raid sirens went off
Cha previously served on National Security Council and deputy head of delegation to Six Party Talks
NK News took to the streets of South Korea’s capital see what locals thought of North Korean snacks
NK News took to the streets to gauge the mood from residents and visitors
NK Pro report links OCN (S) Pte Ltd with secret high-end stores in Pyongyang
Director of government-backed institute Son Gi-woong says Seoul should encourage "internal change"
Conversations with locals suggest some DPRK workers in Chinese city are returning to the North
Test necessary to ensure ROK's "readiness" in event of North Korean provocation, says Blue House
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