NK News is a North Korea specialist news and information resource head-quartered in Delaware, U.S.A.
The NK News team discusses Kim Jong Un’s health, the DPRKs new ‘dark age’ and their predictions for the year ahead
Heavy snow transforms the country into a scenic winter wonderland, but freezing temperatures also bring new hardships
Photos from inside the DPRK show how the state molds young students into devoted revolutionaries and loyal citizens
Photos from the NK News archive show how North Koreans get around despite fuel shortages and poor infrastructure
Get the exclusive NK News calendar before limited edition stocks run out!
Former U.S. National Security Advisor explains the right mix of pressure and engagement
Former adviser to White House officials talks North Korea sanctions, the travel ban and what Biden can do to sway China
Benjamin R. Young discusses an often overlooked aspect of North Korea’s history during the Cold War
Retired Lt. Col. Steve Tharp explains how exercises work, why they’re contentious and how Seoul and Washington cooperate
A curated list of North Korea stories that went beyond the usual headlines in 2020
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