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Martyn Williams

Martyn Williams

Martyn is a North Korea media and tech specialist, and sole author / editor of the website North Korea Tech. He spent 16 years covering technology in Asia and is now based in Silicon Valley.


How North Korean TV covered the Kim-Trump summit – Thursday and Friday

DPRK TV hinted at disappointment over the Kim-Trump meeting's outcomes

Martyn WilliamsMartyn WilliamsFebruary 28, 2019

How North Korean TV covered the Kim-Trump summit – Wednesday

State television dutifully reported Kim Jong Un's arrival in Hanoi

Martyn WilliamsMartyn WilliamsFebruary 27, 2019

How North Korean TV covered the Kim-Trump summit – Tuesday

With no footage of Kim Jong Un's arrival to air, KCTV took to the streets of Pyongyang

Martyn WilliamsMartyn WilliamsFebruary 26, 2019

How North Korean TV covered the Kim-Trump summit – Monday

With Kim Jong Un still on his way to Vietnam, state TV opted for programming-as-usual

Martyn WilliamsMartyn WilliamsFebruary 25, 2019

How North Korean TV covered the Kim-Trump summit – Sunday

DPRK state media kicked off a week of coverage in typical style

Martyn WilliamsMartyn WilliamsFebruary 24, 2019

Senior US diplomat heading to Pyongyang for negotiations on Bae

Special envoy for North Korean human rights Bob King to visit Pyongyang

Martyn WilliamsMartyn WilliamsAugust 28, 2013

Hagel: No room for ‘business as usual’ with North Korea

U.S. Defense head meets with S. Korean, Japanese and Australian counterparts at Singapore security summit

Martyn WilliamsMartyn WilliamsJune 2, 2013

Koryolink hits 2 million subscribers

Koryolink's second million subscribers took just over a year to sign up versus three years for the first million.

Martyn WilliamsMartyn WilliamsMay 28, 2013

Russia tracked North Korean missiles

"We saw the launches. Soon we will see them even better"

Martyn WilliamsMartyn WilliamsMay 26, 2013

A recent history of North Korean computers

Everything you need to know about today's North Korean computer market

Martyn WilliamsMartyn WilliamsMay 24, 2013