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March 04, 2025Mar 04, 2025


Markus Bell

Markus Bell

Dr. Markus Bell is a cultural anthropologist and a research fellow at La Trobe University. His new book, Outsiders: Memories of Migration to and from North Korea is available in paperback now. Find him on Twitter.


A very North Korean way to die

The Kim personality cult has penetrated the most intimate aspects of North Korean life, even the mourning of the dead

Markus BellMarkus BellSeptember 7, 2021

The movement to return the Japanese wives of Zainichi repatriates from N. Korea

Letters sent to Japan revealing the reality of life in the DPRK sparked demands abroad for the wives to be brought home

Markus BellMarkus BellFebruary 10, 2020

Going “home”: why 87,000 Zainichi Koreans moved from Japan to North Korea

From 1959 to 1984, thousands of Koreans in Japan were promised a better life in the DPRK, only to be met with suffering

Markus BellMarkus BellFebruary 5, 2020

Halfway through his presidency, Moon must rethink his inter-Korean strategy

The South Korean President needs a new way to engage the North to recover in the polls, even if it risks U.S. reprisal

Marco MilaniMarco Milani | Markus BellDecember 1, 2019

Living with a nuclear North Korea: how to move beyond the impasse

Demanding complete denuclearization has long been a diplomatic dead-end

Geoffrey FattigGeoffrey Fattig | Markus BellJune 12, 2019

Why South Korea treats North Korean defectors differently to other refugees

Ethnic nationalism, culture likely major reasons

Markus BellMarkus BellMay 10, 2019

Shinzo Abe’s legacy building in the age of the new-look North Korea

Japan's Prime Minister faces dilemma over domestic agenda and changes on Korean Peninsula

Markus BellMarkus BellFebruary 21, 2019

Why unification offers the best chance for improving North Korean human rights

Only when Kim Jong Un feels secure can real reform take place in the DPRK


Even fashion is authoritarian in North Korea

Fashion on the streets, while showing more diversity, still takes its cues from above

Markus BellMarkus Bell | Rosemary ListingMarch 12, 2015

Why North Koreans Should Be Allowed Asylum Beyond South Korea – A Response

'If this is the type of governmental discrimination that North Koreans face in South Korea, I may be tempted to sign up for such discrimination'

Markus BellMarkus BellApril 4, 2013